✨ RESET: 30 Days Journey to New You ✨
Transform Your Life in 30 Days
Hey you! 👋
Masih kepikiran terus?
Masih stalking mantan?
Masih ngerasa terjebak di masa lalu?
Masih susah move on?
You’re not alone. And trust me, you’re ready for your next chapter! ✨
🚩 Produktivitas drop karena kepikiran terus
🚩 Overthinking dan random breakdown
🚩 Susah tidur karena memories
🚩 Insecure dan lost confidence
🚩 Ngerasa hidup jalan di tempat
🚩 Kesepian dan takut mulai lagi
Introducing… RESET! ✨
Your premium 30 days journey untuk transformasi total!
Bukan cuma healing guide biasa, tapi complete blueprint yang akan membimbingmu step-by-step menuju versi terbaik dirimu! 💫
What’s inside your transformation journey:
📱 30 powerful chapters (worth 3jt)
📖 3 exclusive bonus chapters (worth 750k)
🎯 Daily action plans yang praktis
📝 Workbook interaktif
🎵 Mood-boosting playlist
💭 Mindset transformation guide
⭐️ Progress tracker
Special Features:
➕ Personal development tracker
➕ SOS kit for tough days
➕ Exclusive community access
➕ Expert consultation
➕ Daily reminder system
➕ Guided meditation series
Success Stories
🔥 EARLY BIRD PRICE: Rp 179.000,- ONLY!
(Limited to first 50 people!)
Course Features
- Lectures 33
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 Bulan
- Skill level All levels
- Language English & Bahasa
- Students 298
- Assessments Yes